Donald Trump has skipped a meeting about climate change and biodiversity attended by other world leaders at the G7 on Monday, in the latest sign that the American government does not view the global threat as a priority.

Separately, meeting German chancellor Angela Merkel, the US president claimed there was “great unity” on how to deal with the Iran crisis. Ms Merkel, however, said there was a long way to go on the issue, which has created considerable headache as tensions have flared between Tehran and Washington.

Mr Trump has also denied at the summit in France that he had suggested firing nuclear weapons at hurricanes — as was reported by Axios — and suggested his own Miami golf club for next year’s G7. He also claimed China had “called” to ask for trade talks – before a top Chinese official said he was unaware of any call.

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"I know one thing, if they were invited back, I think they'd be there. If they weren't, that's ok too. I just think they would be better inside than outside," Mr Trump says when asked about Russia rejoining the international group.


"We actually had a pretty good meeting last year," Mr Trump says of last year's G7.


"The European Union is very tough to make deals with, it's very very tough. Just ask Theresa May," Mr Trump says.


"The United Kingdom is a great incredible place, it's an incredible nation," Mr Trumps ays.



"France is a great nation, it's being run a lot of things are happening you know it's not easy what he's doing, he's changing certain ways," Mr Trump says when asked if the UK or EU will be more important to the US after Brexit.

"Boris is different, its a different kind of a deal. Boris has to try to do something with Brexit," he says.


"This is the right time for Boris. This is the right time for Boris," Mr Trump says.


"I love the UK. I own great property in the UK. ... I have no idea how my property is doing in the UK because I don't care," Mr Trump says.


Mr Trump says he believe Boris Johnson is "very smart, and he's very strong, and he's very enthusiastic, and you want to know something else? He loves your country."



"Sorry, it's the way I negotiate," Mr Trump says, spreading his arms wide, when asked about global economic instability.


"I have a lot of feelings about president Xi," Mr Trump says, before detailing his supposed conversations with the Chinese leader over intellectual property theft.


"Just so you understand, China wants to make a deal," Mr Trump says.


Mr Trump says he would invite Mr Putin to next year's G7 if he wanted.

"I think... that's a pretty tough thing for him. He's a proud person. Would I invite him, I would certainly invite him," he says



Mr Trump, when asked why he is spreading a lie, doubles down.

Says he would apologise if Crimea were annexed during his presidency.

"President Obama was pure and simply outsmarted, they took Crimea during his term. ... It could have been stopped, but president Obama was unable to stop it, and it's too bad."


"I do nothing for politics. I do what's right. And people like what I do, but I do what's right. If I wanted to go strictly by politics I would probably poll that," Mr Trump says of bringing Russia back into the G7 (it would be a G8 then).


"You can't draw red lines in the sand, you just can't do it," Mr Trump said, criticising his predecessor.

Mr Trump says that Crimea was "taken away from president Obama, not taken away from president, taken away from president Obama".

Mr Trump says that "president Putin outsmarted president Obama" by annexing Crimea, which was not a US territory, in spite of the previous statement.


Mr Trump says "I don't care politically" and that "a lot of people don't understand this", when asked if he is worried about the political fallout of inviting Russia to a G7 meeting.

"A lot of people say having Russia which is a power, having them inside the room is better than having them outside the room," he says.



Mr Trump says he is not open to the idea of giving compensation to Iran for a deal.

"We are not paying, we don't pay. But they may need some money to get them over a very rough patch."

Says any loan to Iran would be secured by oil, and that any credit would come form "numerous" countries.


Mr Trump says that "each country can have their own villa, their own bungalow" of a possible G7 at his Miami resort next year


"I don't want to make money. I don't care about making money," he says.


Mr Trump says his Miami resort has "bungalows" and "incredible rooms".
