
Shooting on Greyhound Bus in California Kills Person - The Wall Street Journal

Shooting on Greyhound Bus in California Kills Person - The Wall Street Journal

Investigators gathered outside a Greyhound bus in California after Monday’s shooting. Photo: Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Associated Press

A shooting aboard a Greyhound bus traveling from Los Angeles to the San Francisco Bay Area left one person dead and five others wounded, according to authorities.

Police credited the quick actions of passengers and the driver of the bus with preventing further tragedy.

The shooting occurred around 1:30 a.m. Monday as the bus was making its way north along Interstate 5 near Fort Tejon, about 80 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles, California Highway Patrol Sgt. Brian Pennings said.

The bus driver pulled over to the shoulder of the interstate and persuaded the suspect to voluntarily get off the bus.

“The driver handled the situation very professionally. He handled the situation appropriately to try to minimize more possible victims,” Sgt. Pennings said.

The suspect, a male, left what was described as a black handgun on the bus and was taken into custody without incident. Several ammunition magazines also were located on the bus. Firearms of any type aren’t allowed on Greyhound buses, according to company policy.

The driver then took the remaining passengers a few miles farther, to a gasoline station at the first available exit. A 51-year-old woman from Colombia died at the scene. The five injured passengers were taken to a hospital, where two were described as being in critical condition.

Police said passengers helped disarm the suspected shooter of his semiautomatic 9mm handgun. “They were also instrumental in administering first aid to the injured victims aboard the bus,” Sgt. Pennings said.

The shooter’s motive remains under investigation, according to authorities.

“This is extremely rare,” Sgt. Pennings said. “I’ve been on 25 years, and I’ve never seen this happen.”

A spokeswoman for Greyhound said the company is still gathering details and will assist authorities with the investigation.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone and every family member impacted by the incident today,” the spokeswoman said.

Write to Talal Ansari at

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2020-02-03 17:10:00Z

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